An evangelical/conservative pair of women (EVE and JANET) visit a neighborhood to warn people about the dangers of pornography. They split up, and EVE visits one home to be greeted by MR DAEMON, who invites her inside. While she waits in the living room, she is slowly corrupted by the mesmerizing, pornographic images insidiously included on the TV’s screen by MR DAEMON. He returns, and completes her corruption into a wanton, sacrilegious whore. Later, JANET visits the home in search of EVE, and her former friend helps corrupt JANET too. JANET and EVE are then dressed in fetish outfits, and service MR DAEMON. The video ends with another ring at the door.
Defenders of Morality custom video Synopsis An evangelical/conservative pair of women (EVE and JANET) visit a neighbourhood to warn people about the dangers of pornography. They split up, and EVE visits one home to be greeted by MR DAEMON, who invites her inside. While she waits in the living room, she is slowly corrupted by the mesmerizing, pornographic images insidiously included on the TV’s screen by MR DAEMON. He returns, and completes her corruption into a wanton, sacrilegious whore. Later, JANET visits the home in search of EVE, and her former friend helps corrupt JANET too. JANET and EVE are then dressed in fetish outfits, and service MR DAEMON. The video ends with another ring at the door. Specifics ? Props needed – dildo, clipboard and paper ? Set dressing and furniture – minimal needed. Just a tv and a sofa are required. ? Visual effects – we’d need to have a small montage made from burning fireplace footage (like mixed with porno footage (could be a way to include clips from your other material), and brainwashing/entrancement text (see script). This would be displayed on the TV at points in the video. I guess you’d just have some green screen cloth on the TV so you could add this film later in the video? ? Dialogue – it would be ideal if the actors can follow the scripted dialogue (as you’ve done with my prior customs), but it’s ok to improvise along similar lines depending on how much time they have to learn the dialogue. ? I really find the dirty talk a turn on, so please include as much of this as possible – the female characters talking about how much they want cock, how much of a slut they are, etc. Please do draw from the script whenever possible, as I’ve included words and phrases that would be turn-ons. ? I’m not a fan of POV, so would prefer to avoid a POV camera angle. Script: Defenders of Morality Scene 1: Outside house EVE and JANET, an evangelical, conservative pair of women visit a neighbourhood to warn people about the dangers of pornography. JANET carries a clipboard (presumably with their messages, and a list of who they’re going to visit). They discuss which side of the street each of them will take (improvised dialogue), and part ways. We follow EVE as she walks to the front door. EVE rings the doorbell, and MR DAEMON opens the door. We switch to a view from inside the house. Scene 2: Inside house, at door MR DAEMON: Hello, may I help you? EVE: Good morning sir. My name is Eve. I’m from a local group called Defenders of Morality. MR DAEMON: Uh-huh. EVE: Yes, we’re spreading the word about the dangers of pornography. We are asking all upstanding citizens to help us eradicate the poison of carnal temptation, and return society to traditional values. MR DAEMON: Ok…sure. EVE is encouraged – usually people have told her to leave by this point in her spiel. EVE: Great! I’m here today because we’ve heard a notorious smut-peddler has moved in somewhere nearby. We don’t want that filth in our neighbourhood. It encourages sinful acts – like sex before marriage – and corrupts our youth. MR DAEMON: Well, that’s very concerning. Do you have time to step in and discuss it? Eve thinks for a moment, and looks around – she knows she has lots of houses to visit, but decides it’s best to get this person on board first. EVE: Really? Thanks, that would be very kind of you. MR DAEMON: Come on in. Scene 3: INT, Living room MR DAEMON and EVE walk in, exchanging improvised pleasantries (e.g. “you have a lovely home”, etc.). They sit down on a sofa in front of a TV. The TV is on, and it shows a burning fireplace (like EVE: Thank you so much for your time. It’s so refreshing to meet someone who shares our values. May I ask, are you a man of faith? MR DAEMON: (regretful) Well Eve, I was once very devout. But I fell out with someone I looked up to, and decided to take a different path. EVE: That is a shame. If you have time, I’d love you to join our scripture study group. MR DAEMON: Do other women of similar, er…moral certainty like yourself attend? EVE: That’s right. And we’re always looking for new members. MR DAEMON: Sounds like just the place for me. EVE smiles. There’s a slight pause, and she tries to fill the silence with more small talk. EVE: By the way, I like the fireplace effect in the TV (she indicates the TV showing the fireplace). Is that a new channel? MR DAEMON: Actually, I create soothing visuals to help loosen people up…er, after their stressful days. I’ve also got footage of a fishtank, a meadow in the breeze, and a babbling brook. But this one just reminds me of home… EVE: It’s lovely. Much better than the salacious programming on HBO – or as my group calls it HB – NO! (she does a little embarrassed laugh at the appalling pun. MR DAEMON smiles belligerently) MR DAEMON: Why don’t you relax while I get us some tea? You can then tell me about this corrupting influence in town. EVE: You’re too kind, thank you. Masturbation (5-6 mins including dialogue) MR DAEMON leaves. EVE looks idly at the screen for a few moments. However, we soon see that the video is interlaced with subliminal messages, though it’s unclear whether this is actually the film or the effect of MR DAEMON’s evil magic. The screen does a flash cut to pornography, and then back to the soothing visuals. EVE frowns, but doesn’t realise what she just saw. With creepy music on this video’s soundtrack (not the TV itself – the images on the TV are silent), she keeps watching. This process repeats over the course of several minutes, with trigger phrases also flashing up. These could include, but don’t have to be limited to: ? Spread your legs ? Touch your tits ? Play with your pussy ? Fuck your faith ? Praise the cock ? You want to be corrupted ? You’re a slut ? All sluts should swallow cock ? You’re a good little cocksucker ? You love cock ? You want to drink cum ? Suck cock ? Drink cum EVE finds herself slowly but inexorably turned on – starting off with getting hot and bothered, then touching herself as she can’t take her eyes off the screen. The video becomes more and more pornography-heavy over the course of 3-4 minutes, until it is nothing but hardcore porn interspersed with the trigger phrases. By this time, EVE has undone her top, pulled her boobs out of her bra to better caress them, and pulled down her pants/skirt and panties to masturbate. MR DAEMON comes back in. EVE tries to control herself but can’t stop masturbating. The pornography continues to play silently in the background. EVE: Oh my…I’m so sorry…I think there’s a problem with your programme. There were some…debauched images that came up. MR DAEMON: They obviously met with your approval. EVE: No, that can’t be true. I’m not the sort of woman that would indulge in that…filth. EVE is having trouble keeping her eyes from the screen MR DAEMON: Really? What women would enjoy that material? EVE: Well….liberal women. You know…hussies. MR DAEMON: Come now, you can speak plainly in my home. What kind of a woman likes to watch pornography and masturbate? She stares at the screen for a few seconds. She keeps her eyes on it over the next few dialogue exchanges. EVE: …a slut? MR DAEMON: Well, you’re definitely enjoying it, so what would that make you? EVE: I’d be…a…slut. But that’s so wrong… MR DAEMON: There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re just indulging in pleasure. EVE: I don’t know…it does feel really good. MR DAEMON: You want to be corrupted. (this is a trigger phrase from the video, so has more power over EVE) EVE: Why do you say that? Why would I want…mmm (she likes the thought of it)…to be corrupted… MR DAEMON: Maybe it’s ok for you to be a slut. EVE: Yes…maybe I can be…a slut. (she surprises herself, but enjoys saying the words) MR DAEMON: A dirty slut. EVE: Yes…dirty. (she smiles/laughs as more of her resistance ebbs away. She looks at MR DAEMON with lusty in her eyes). EVE: A dirty ssssluuut (she emphasises the word, drawing it out). Yes, that’s what I am. MR DAEMON: Maybe you’d even like being a whore? EVE: No, I… (her eyes are drawn inexorably to the screen again) …yes…now I think about it, I…really want to be a….filthy whore. MR DAEMON: That’s right. And you’ve been good for so long, denied yourself so many pleasures of the flesh. EVE: Yes – I’ve held back so many times. I’ve wanted to indulge…but it’s seemed so wrong. MR DAEMON: Let me change your mind. (His tone becomes commanding) Spread your legs. (another trigger phrase) Cunnilingus (3 mins) EVE takes off her panties and spreads her legs, her eyes on MR DAEMON. He kneels over the sofa and begins licking her pussy. Her gaze drifts between looking at him in surprised pleasure and lustful glances at the screen. They continue their dialogue (improvised) while he goes down on her. MR DAEMON encourages her to use more dirty language, particularly referring to her parts in increasingly explicit terms, e.g. EVE: I…like…how you’re licking my…my…vagina. MR DAEMON: I think you mean pussy. EVE: Umm…yes, my pussy. EVE: Mmm…feels so good to stroke my breasts. MR DAEMON: I don’t think so. What are they called? EVE: My…tits. My slutty tits. Blowjob (10 mins) We then return to the scripted section. EVE: I don’t know what’s come over me. MR DAEMON: Now there’s an idea. Would you like cum over you? EVE: Cum…you mean…semen? Urgh, on me?! That’s disgusting…right? (but she’s starting to masturbate again) Why can’t I stop thinking about it? Why does that turn me on? MR DAEMON: The best way for sluts to get turned on is to suck cock. Would you like to try that? EVE: (shocked) Oh I’ve never done that. My husband asked, but I thought it was so sordid… MR DAEMON: You’ve always wanted to be a good little cocksucker. (trigger phrase) EVE: (she pauses, and the corruption grows in her again. She grins evilly)…yes…being sordid sounds…so good now. I’ll be a good little cocksucker. (she tries to resist again) But…I’m a married woman, it wouldn’t be right for me to… MR DAEMON: Watch. While she talks, he takes his erect cock out of his pants. He jerks his cock slowly in front of her as she trails off and she’s transfixed at the sight. She tries to look away but can’t. She drools, and tries to wipe her mouth, but starts putting her fingers in her mouth and licks them. She starts masturbating faster, and continues to drool, wiping the wetness into her pussy over the course of a couple of minutes. MR DAEMON: I’m sure your husband would want you to indulge your true nature. EVE: My true…nature? MR DAEMON: I knew it the moment I saw you Eve. You love cock. (trigger phrase again) Sluts like you can’t get enough cock down your throats. EVE: But…my faith says that I should be- MR DAEMON: Fuck your faith. (trigger phrase) EVE: (she’s trying to resist one last time) I…I…(the last of her resistance breaks)…Yes, fuck my faith! I want your cock down my throat! MR DAEMON walks slowly over to her still jerking his cock. She salivates at the sight. MR DAEMON: Stick out your tongue like the corrupted whore you are. EVE obeys him, opening her mouth wide and letting her tongue loll out. MR DAEMON bounces his cock on her tongue a couple of times and she moans in pleasure. EVE: Please…please let me suck it. MR DAEMON: (he teases her with the cock, not letting her suck it) You don’t need to defend morality in this neighbourhood do you Eve? EVE: No…I just want your cock. MR DAEMON: That’s a good slut. Take what you need. He lets her suck it. She goes down on him slowly, savouring every inch, her eyes rolling up with pleasure. She sucks him slowly and deliberately a couple of times. EVE: Why was I such a stuck-up prude before? I should have given into my desires, become a whore I was meant to be. Thank you for showing me…Mr? MR DAEMON: Daemon. But you will call me Master now. EVE: Yes Master. May I suck your cock more? MR DAEMON: I insist upon it. EVE sucks MR DAEMON’s cock feverishly and sloppily over the next 5-6 minutes. Dialogue can be improvised, but would be good if this could include explicit language again from EVE, which turns her on, e.g. EVE: Sucking your cock is making my pussy so wet. MR DAEMON: Pussy is too polite a word for you isn’t it? What would you call it Eve? EVE: My…wet cunt. MR DAEMON: More than that. EVE: Mmm…my sopping wet fuck hole! MR DAEMON: You want my cock in your slutty mouth don’t you? EVE: Yes. Put it in my mouth. MR DAEMON: Your mouth is meant for my cock,isn’t it? EVE: Yes, it’s just a cock hole. MR DAEMON: Tell me what you are. EVE: I’m just a filthy little bitch for you. EVE: Use all my holes. EVE: Yeah, make me go deep on your dick. I’ll take it like the cockwhore I am. They watch some more of the images together. EVE sucks his cock as she watches, enjoying the sensation and trying to emulate those on the screen. Cumshot in mouth (1-2 mins) EVE sucks MR DAEMON’s cock to completion, with him finishing in her mouth (can be fake cum). She plays with his cum, licking it off her hands and then playing with in her mouth as MR DAEMON then talks about the next steps. EVE’s whole demeanour is now obedient, slutty, and evil. MR DAEMON: Excellent work slave. Now, let’s talk about what happens next. EVE: Yes Master. (pulling cum out of her mouth and letting it drop back in) MR DAEMON: What would you normally do tomorrow? EVE: Go to my church Master (she licks her fingers in satisfaction) MR DAEMON: And what will you now do instead? EVE: Suck cock like a fucking nympho bitch! MR DAEMON: Excellent. In fact, you’re going to help me spread sin and depravity to all your friends. Doesn’t that sound good? EVE: Yes…yes! I want to corrupt them all. They should all be depraved sluts like me! MR DAEMON: That’s a good slut. Are any of your friends out today passing on the good word? EVE: Yes Master. Janet will probably come looking for me. She’s a prissy little cunt, may I please corrupt her Master? MR DAEMON: Certainly, we’ll start with her. Now, let’s get you dressed appropriately. FADE OUT Scene 4: Outside house JANET is walking by the house clipboard in hand, looking a little concerned. She walks to the front door and rings the doorbell. MR DAEMON opens the door. We switch to a view from inside the house. Scene 5: Inside house, at door JANET: Excuse me sir, I’m looking for my friend Eve. She came by here earlier to talk about our moral mission? MR DAEMON: Yes…you’re Janet right? She left a note for you. Hold on…(he makes to go back down the corridor) JANET: Thank you. MR DAEMON: (turns back acting like he’s remembered something)… damn, sorry. She left the note on my desk, but I’ve got it mixed up with all my work papers. Come in for a sec, and I’ll find it as quick as I can. JANET: Oh sure, no problem. JANET follows MR DAEMON down the hall. Scene 6: INT, Living room They enter the living room. The TV is showing the fireplace video again. MR DAEMON: Please just take a seat. Hopefully this won’t take long. JANET: You’re very gracious. JANET sits on the sofa where EVE sat before. She fidgets for a few seconds and then EVE strides in confidently dressed in fetish wear. EVE: Hi Janet. Like the new me? JANET: (puts her hand to her mouth in shock) Oh my lord Eve! What in heavens are you wearing? You look like…a…a tart! EVE: It’s my new uniform. I’ve decided to change career. JANET: Career? To what?! EVE: Full time fuck slave. You should really consider it too – you’ll get to suck cock and drink cum all day long. JANET: I…I can’t believe what I’m hearing. What on earth has happened to you? EVE: This is who I’ve always been. I just needed to be shown my true, whore self. JANET: Saints preserve us. I…just can’t understand. Look, I have to leave. (she starts to get up, but EVE pushes her firmly but gently back into her seat) EVE: Hush Janet. You want to be a whore too. JANET: I most certainly do not! How can you suggest such a thing?! EVE: All you need is proper stimulation. Look. She points at the TV. Almost instantly, this shifts to the part of the video with pornography interspersed with the embedded commands. JANET: That’s revolting! This is the filth we’re supposed to be fighting against! JANET starts to go, but can’t quite take her eyes from the screen. She sinks back down into her seat. EVE: Gooood Janet. Keep watching. Isn’t it exciting? JANET: No…no, not exciting. Maybe…a bit…er…different. Why…do I want to keep watching? EVE: I resisted too…but not for long. Masturbation and dildo sucking (5-6 mins) JANET stars at the screen for a few more moments and then starts touching herself lightly over her clothes. EVE notices this, grins in lust, and starts touching herself too. This continues for about a minute. There is improvised dialogue between EVE and JANET along the lines of JANET protesting but slowly becoming more entranced and turned on, and EVE persuading her that it’s good for her to watch. After about a minute, EVE picks up a dildo from by the sofa, and begins sucking this seductively. She moistens the length of it with her spit, and then presents it to JANET. EVE: Time for you to try it. JANET: That’s so vulgar…I…shouldn’t…but…why do I want it in my mouth? Gingerly JANET puts her mouth around it as Janet holds it horizontal in front of her. The taste and sensation turn her on, and she starts sucking more deeply. JANET: Mmmm…god, this is disgusting…but it feels so good. EVE: Why don’t you take it, find your own rhythm? EVE gives the dildo to JANET. JANET: (muffled) Thank you. JANET sucks the dildo rapidly with lots of spit. Meanwhile, EVE is pulling off JANET’s clothes and starts going down on her. JANET looks in shock initially, but quickly becomes aroused and enjoys the sensation. JANET sucks the dildo deeper, moaning in pleasure. EVE talks dirty to her, increasing JANET’s corruption, and caresses her body. Dialogue here can be improvised along similar lines as in previous scenes. Good words to use from JANET might include: vulgar, wanton, wicked, obscene, to describe the acts that she’s now enjoying. After a few minutes, JANET cums. MR DAEMON comes back in, and JANET looks up at him in surprise but barely concealed lust. EVE: She’s ready Master. JANET: Ready…for what? MR DAEMON: (to EVE) Almost. Blowjob and cumshot in mouth (3-5mins) MR DAEMON is standing and unzips his fly, taking out his erect cock. JANET looks on in surprise but cannot take her eyes off it. EVE: Try it Janet. All good sluts should swallow cock. JANET: All good sluts…? (her expression hardens and she grins evilly) Should swallow cock! She goes down on his cock slowly, then begins to speed up. She sucks MR DAEMON’s cock for 3-4mins, with EVE goading her on and JANET increasingly enjoying being a slut. MR DAMEON cums in her mouth (can be fake cum). EVE: What do we say Janet? JANET: (cum coming out of her mouth) Mmmm…thank you Master. (she uses her fingers to play with the cum) MR DAEMON: Now she’s ready. It’s time for a new look Janet. FADE OUT Scene 7: INT, Living room Masturbation (3-4 mins) Both JANET and EVE are standing with their backs against the wall in different but similarly themed fetish gear. They both masturbate, moaning in pleasure, and wiping spit from their mouths onto their pussies as they masturbate. They talk dirty about themselves and each other (similar to the Relationship Counselling video), and fantasise about how they will corrupt their friends. Example dialogue to include: EVE: Who’s a corrupted Christian cunt? JANET: Me! And you’re a depraved cockwhore. EVE: Mmm, yes. JANET: God, how come I never realised how much I love the taste of cock? EVE: I know…all those days buzzed in church and protesting against depravity…when I could have been getting my wet cunt fucked. JANET: Taking communion when we could have been taking cock instead. JANET: Mmmm. Now we can drink cum all the time. EVE: I want to be covered in master’s cum, over my face, running down my body. Swallowing every last fucking drop till I’m full. JANET: Hot cum down my fucking whore throat, so good… JANET: Can’t wait to corrupt our friends at the church. EVE: One by one, we’ll turn all those uptight prudes into thirsty cumdumpsters, just like us. JANET: Mmmm, make those pious women into disgusting lewd bitches, begging for cock. After a couple of minutes, MR DAEMON enters. MR DAEMON: You’ve been patient slaves. It’s time. Vaginal sex (15 mins) This includes double BJ, vaginal sex in multiple positions. Improvised dialogue from EVE and JANET about how corrupted they are, how much they love being sluts, and how they’re going to corrupt the people at their church, scripture group, etc. Facial cumshot (2 mins) JANET and EVE beg MR DAEMON to cum on them, e.g. JANET: Blow your load over your whores Master! Give us the cum we deserve! EVE: Please let drink it all, like good slutty slaves! MR DAEMON cums over their faces. They lick up and share the cum between one another. Scene 8: INT, Living room MR DAEMON sits naked in the middle of the sofa, while EVE and JANET suck his cock slowly between them. The doorbell rings. MR DAEMON: Another one of yours? JANET: Another addition to your flock master. JANET and EVE laugh evilly as they get up and walk to the door, while MR DAEMON looks on contented. END
Keywords: london river, tyler faith, big tits, milf, corruption, seduction.
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Mr Masters has to talk to his boss Miss Faith about her cutting his entire budget. She is only interested in her quarterly bonus and could care less about the money his projects can make for the company or the impact on his staff. He has no choice but to show her one of the specialized educational programs he is developing. He makes sure to record it’s effects on her behavior, including the way she aggressively sexually harasses him. Masters is confident that when he shows her threatening to shut down his division if he doesn’t fuck her she will have a change of heart about the budget cuts
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The book has been passed down for generations but he’s never written in it. It would be wrong to use the power it contains. To fully control a woman’s actions while compelling her to uncontrolled need to fuck the books owner.
But what happens when a good man is taken advantage of, humiliated, used, disregarded and laughed at by one mean hearted woman after another.
This is what happens-
For his Horrible soon to be ex-wife and her soul-sucking cunt lawyer
For the hot girl at the gym, laughing as he tries to get back in shape
For his “rested-her-way-to-the-top” monster bitch of a boss
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Overview: Defenders of Morality custom video Synopsis An evangelical/conservative pair of women (EVE and JANET) visit a neighbourhood to warn people about the dangers of pornography. They split up, and EVE visits one home to be greeted by MR DAEMON, who invites her inside. While she waits in the living room, she is slowly corrupted by the mesmerizing, pornographic images insidiously included on the TV’s screen by MR DAEMON. He returns, and completes her corruption into a wanton, sacrilegious whore. Later, JANET visits the home in search of EVE, and her former friend helps corrupt JANET too. JANET and EVE are then dressed in fetish outfits, and service MR DAEMON. The video ends with another ring at the door. Specifics ? Props needed – dildo, clipboard and paper ? Set dressing and furniture – minimal needed. Just a tv and a sofa are required. ? Visual effects – we’d need to have a small montage made from burning fireplace footage mixed with porno footage (could be a way to include clips from your other material), and brainwashing/entrancement text (see script). This would be displayed on the TV at points in the video. I guess you’d just have some green screen cloth on the TV so you could add this film later in the video? ? Dialogue – it would be ideal if the actors can follow the scripted dialogue (as you’ve done with my prior customs), but it’s ok to improvise along similar lines depending on how much time they have to learn the dialogue. ? I really find the dirty talk a turn on, so please include as much of this as possible – the female characters talking about how much they want cock, how much of a slut they are, etc. Please do draw from the script whenever possible, as I’ve included words and phrases that would be turn-ons. ? I’m not a fan of POV, so would prefer to avoid a POV camera angle. Script: Defenders of Morality Scene 1: Outside house EVE and JANET, an evangelical, conservative pair of women visit a neighbourhood to warn people about the dangers of pornography. JANET carries a clipboard (presumably with their messages, and a list of who they’re going to visit). They discuss which side of the street each of them will take (improvised dialogue), and part ways. We follow EVE as she walks to the front door. EVE rings the doorbell, and MR DAEMON opens the door. We switch to a view from inside the house. Scene 2: Inside house, at door MR DAEMON: Hello, may I help you? EVE: Good morning sir. My name is Eve. I’m from a local group called Defenders of Morality. MR DAEMON: Uh-huh. EVE: Yes, we’re spreading the word about the dangers of pornography. We are asking all upstanding citizens to help us eradicate the poison of carnal temptation, and return society to traditional values. MR DAEMON: Ok…
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There are 190 videos and 1412 images.
The vast majority of the clips include solo with toys (hitachi, dildo, butt plug) and are softcore/nude, involving masturbation, dancing, exercising, showering, posing, dressing/undressing, virtual sex, dirty talking, dildo sucking.
Some clips are sexual activity with one man: missionary, fucking from behind, blowjobs, deepthroat.
Some clips are lesbian activity: kissing, touching, tits and pussy licking, recording on webcam.
Most of the videos are HD (1080p or 720p) whereas the rest are mostly 540p.
This is a complete siterip of her page at 2019/09/24 except vids&pics required an additional payment through DM.
All videos & photos have resolution, dates, postIds and names taken from original site. Full description hardcoded in MP4 tag
Tyler Faith.part1.rar
Tyler Faith.part2.rar
Tyler Faith.part3.rar
Wardrobe Req: Casual clothing in beginning. A sexy/sexual bikini after Happy Hour/Bar. Casual clothing again for short part. Nightgown with sexy lingerie, preferably a vibrant type color or black (y’all can choose whatever though I trust you!!!)
Nudity: Yes
Script Breakdown —
– Matt’s mom is cleaning before Happy Hour with a friend, she discovers son’s porn. Friend arrives. They leave. (5min, simple intro similar to before just with female model to play Nikki)
– Mom returns home from Bar. Matt’s watching porn on the TV when his Mom walks in. Mad, then seduces him. Gives him Blowjob. (10-15 min)
– Matt comes home from work the next day. Walks over to mom to try to seduce her, she pushes him away, angrily. (1-2 min)
– Matt’s mom comes into Matt’s room at night and apologizes. Seduces him. Sucks his dick and has sex with son. (10-15 min)
Script —
Matt’s mom took her friend’s advice to become a cam girl/amateur pornstar like her to make some extra money. Over the years, she started her own website and specialized in fetish porn, especially in taboo. One day, Matt’s mom is cleaning around the house before her friend comes over when she finds things that began to change everything forever.
Scene Opens —
*Matt’s mom walks into her son’s room to grab his dirty clothes, and sees his room is a mess. She decides to straighten up for him before her friend Nikki comes over. She goes to make his bed, when she finds her panties underneath a pillow*
Mom *finds underwear in son’s bed* – “What the…are these mine..? Why does Matt have these in here?” *she notices cum stains in them* “Ew no way…” *she drops them in the laundry basket, thinking they must some girl’s he was with*
*she begins to walk away when she notices his laptop sitting open next to the bed (or on the bed whatever works). She lays down on the bed, begins snooping around out of curiosity, when she finds his porn stash*
Mom *shocked* – “Oh my god..Matt..” *she sees a bunch of milf taboo porn, when she hears the door bell ring*
*She goes and opens the door and it’s her friend Nikki, she lets her in and immediately tells her what’s happened*
Nikki *walks in* – “Hey girl! What’s up?! Ready for some happy hour!?”
Mom – “I’m great!!! And yes!! Of course.” *she looks down nervously* “But…I gotta show you something. Follow me.” *she walks to the living room*
*They walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, where Matt’s mom has the laptop ready to show Nikki what she’s found*
Nikki – “Oh my god, what’s the big deal?”
Mom *confused* – “Look…it’s Matt. I found all of his porn. It’s all like Mom Son taboo stuff, and I recognize his login he’s definitely been on our cams before!”
Nikki – “Oh my god…that’s crazy…”
Mom – “I know! I don’t know what to do, like do I confront him or-“
Nikki *interrupting* – “It’s actually kind of hot too honestly.”
Mom *surprised* – “What!? What do you mean?”
Nikki *smiling* – “C’mon…you do all those role plays and fetishes. You can’t say you haven’t thought about it.” *laughs*
Mom – “But that’s entirely different..”
Nikki – “Who do you think I use for those custom videos I make?”
Mom *shocked* – “What!? You mean that’s Johnny!?”
Nikki – “Well yeah! I think it’s so hot that a young guy thinks I’m so sexy…and it’s just even hotter that it’s so taboo too. Think about it…a young man who finds his mom to be a hot sexy cougar?”
Mom – “…I mean…I have caught him looking at me before. But I never really thought anything of it…I don’t know that’s my own son..” *she pauses* “It does sound kind of hot though…but I don’t know…I have been really lonely lately too..”
Nikki – “Well lets go get some drinks with the girls and let you get some air! I’m sure that’ll help you out some.”
Mom – “Yeah that’s a good idea actually.”
*they get up and walk out to go to the bar*
Scene Fades
Scene Opens
*Matt’s mom walks in from the bar, earlier than Matt expected as she catches him on the couch watching porn on the TV*
Mom *walks in* – “What the fuck! Matt what are you doing!”
Matt *surprised* – “Oh sh t!…Mom…uh…”
Mom *angrily* – “What if I had someone come in with me! What were you thinking!?” *she notices it’s milf taboo porn looking at it*
Matt – “Mom I’m sorry… let me turn it off.” *reaches for remote when his mom snatches it*
Mom *smiles* – “No let’s watch it since you want too so bad.” *she sits her things down, and sits next to her son*
Mom – “So you like the milf stuff?” *looking at Matt, kind of squeezing her tits together*
Matt *struggling to not stare at his mom’s tits* – “uhm…yeah I guess…”
Mom – “You know I saw all your porn…I know you’ve looked at my stuff and everything.”
Matt *shocked* – “What!? Mom…no…I just found-“
Mom *smiles* – “Shhh…stop. I’m not mad.”
Matt – “You’re..not..?”
Mom *starts rubbing her son’s thigh* – “Nope…I actually think it’s kind of hot. Do you think your mom’s hot?”
Matt *nervous* – “ what..? I mean yeah of course I do. You’re beautiful.”
Mom *notices her son staring at her tits in her bikini, smiles* – “Mmm…all you have to do is ask you know.”
Matt – “…What?”
Mom – “Do you wanna see them?” *squeezing her tits together*
*Matt’s mom takes her top off and stands up. She starts giving her son a lap dance and talking dirty to him*
Matt *moans* – “Mom..what are you doing?”
Mom – “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you think your mommy is sexy?”
Matt – “Yes..”
Mom *she gets down, rubbing her son’s cock through his pants* – “Do you want mommy to take care of this baby?”
Matt – “mmm yes mommy…”
*Matt’s mom pulls his cock out, and starts rubbing it*
Mom *spits on his dick and starts sucking her son’s cock* – “Mmm you taste so good baby. Do you like it when mommy sucks your cock?”
Matt *moans* – “Ugh yes mom…”
Mom *starts tittyfucking her son* – “Mmm I never thought you’d want to do this…” *she keeps fucking her son’s cock with her tits then stops, licking his cock up and down and rubbing it slow talking dirty to him* “Mmmmm.. I want you to cum for me Matt…”
*She starts sucking his cock again*
Mom – “Do you wanna cum for mommy?” *she keeps sucking her son’s cock, giving him the blowjob of his life* “Cum on mommy baby…”
Matt – “I’m about to cum mommy…”
*Matt cums in his mom’s mouth a little, before pulling out and spraying on her face*
Mom – “Mmm yes baby…that’s so good…” *she wipes some off tasting it* “Now let me go clean up this mess you made for mommy.”
*Matt’s mom walks out*
Scene Fades —
Scene Open —
*Matt’s mom is standing at the counter on the phone, when Matt walks in, he walks over trying to seduce her.*
Mom *on phone* – “Yeah of course, I could definitely do that!”
Matt *walks next to his mom, and tries to play with her tits*
Mom *slaps his hand* – “Yeah for sure why don’t you just shoot me an email with everything and I can respond to you as soon as I’m done. *words stop with her lips to Matt* awesome! Let me know.”
Matt *rubs behind his mom, pressing his dick against her butt*
Mom *moves pushing Matt away* – “Hey give me a second really quick..” *puts phone down and looks at Matt* “Can you stop? I’m trying to figure out stuff for work. You need to chill out seriously.” *picks up phone* “Hey! Sorry, my son keeps being a pain the ass…”
Matt *begins to walk out*
Scene Fades —
Scene Opens —
*later that night Matt is laying in bed, when he gets woken up by his mom sitting on the edge of his bed in her nightgown.*
Mom – “Hey..are you up?”
Matt – “Well I am now…”
Mom – “Can I turn on the light?”
Matt – “Yes.
Mom *turns on light and sits back down next to her son* – “I’m sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that… I was just stressed and everything that’s happened..”
Matt – “Mom no it’s fine..I love you.”
Mom *smiles* – I love you too babe, thank you… I have a surprise for you.” *she stands up
Matt – “..what?”
Mom *strips out of her nightgown exposing her lingerie* – “I put this on just to make it up to you for earlier.” *smiling, she climbs on top of the bed crawling up to her son*
Mom *starts rubbing his cock outside his underwear* – “Wanna have some more fun with mommy? I could show you some more things.”
Matt – “Yes of course mom..”
Mom *pulls her son’s cock out and starts giving him a blowjob* – “Mmm…do you wanna have some more fun baby?
*Matt nods yes*
Mom *starts stripping out of the lingerie* – “Do you wanna fuck your mommy Matt?” *she sucks on his cock some*
Matt *moans* – “Mmm Yes mommy…”
tyler faith, mother son, incest, taboo, milf, blowjob, deepthroat, titfuck, cowgirl, missionary
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Part One
Tyler has discovered that her son is obsessed with her tits. Even finding pictures on his phone. She feels like the direct approach is the best way to handle the situation.
Part Two
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