Dakota James seduces you by showing off her perfectly toned body. Then she expertly teases and edges with her fingers, mouth and pussy before making you erupt all over yourself.
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Category Blow Jobs
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KeywordsDakota James
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Scene – Dakota is a reporter who is going undercover at a modeling agency that is suspected of supplying women as sex slaves.
*She arrives at the location and makes a phone call to her office to inform them she has arrived at the agency. She tells them they fell for her cover story and have invited her in for an interview. As soon as she has more information for her story she’ll let them know and then hangs up
*Dakota enters, is greeted by the owner and told she looks great and just what they are after.He informs her that after looking at her application it appears she will be perfect for his clients.
*He tells her he has a few questions to ask her first then a small medical. If everything works out ok she will get a tour and then be offered a contract.
*They take a seat and he asks her why she wants to work for his agency. She tells him shes new to modeling and its something she’s always wanted to do. His company is currently one of the biggest out there so theres no-one else she would rather work for.
*Asks if it will be a problem to work away at short notice she says not at all
*Asks if it will be a problem if she is away for long periods of time she says no
*Asks if she has any commitments she says none, she’s single and just moved states so all her friends and family are currently miles away.
*Asks if she drinks she tells him occasionally on weekends
*Asks if she takes any kind of medication or recreational drugs – she says never
*Asks if she smokes she says yes, everyone’s allowed one vice right.
*He tells her thats perfect and they’ll just take a brief break while he gets his assistant to update her file. He tells her the smoking area is just in the next room and she should relax as much as possible before the medical, then tells her he’ll be back shortly and leaves.
*Dakota goes into the next room, lights a cigarette, checks that the area is clear and then calls her office. She tells them that everything is going to plan and they don’t suspect a thing She tells them she only has some simple medical left and then she’ll be on the inside. Dakota says she’ll call them back as soon as she’s been able to look around and then hangs up.
*A few moments later the owner returns, tells her everything is sorted and all they have to do now is get the medical out of the way for insurance purposes.
*He asks her if she has any outstanding injuries or health issues to which she replies none. He tells her that’s great and he can tell by looking at her she’s in shape and healthy.
*He tells her that will do and he’ll just skip everything else and just sign it all off.
*Dakota says that’s great news and picks up her things. She then asks if she can get a look around and talk to few people about what it’s like there. He says certainly just follow me.
*She finishes smoking, starts to leave but then he asks her to hold on a second he forgot about the last step of the medical which he cant skip. He tells her it only a quick eye exam and all she has to do is focus on an object for a few seconds. If her eyes can focus it shows she has no drug or alcohol problems.
*Dakota says sure that sounds easy enough and steps forward. He tells her to just watch the object he has as he starts to swing it. She begins to watch and then says it’s like one of them old shows and laughs. She jokingly says luckily I’m too strong willed for something like that.
He tells her to just concentrate and all she just needs to follow the object with her eyes as it goes back and forth. Just concentrate on the movement, you’re doing great, just focus and follow the movement.
Just clear your mind (repeats clear my mind) nothing else matters (nothing matters)just relax (relax) . You’re doing great (doing great) just keep focusing and forget everything (forget).I need you let everything go (let everything go) and go deeper for me (deeper) Now your arms are feeling light you want to let them float (sooo light) she then slowly lifts her arms so they are pointing straight ahead. Good girl now relax and sink even deeper (relax…. go deeper) her arms then instantly drop.
Now count down from 5 to1.(5 to 1) With each number you will go deeper and deeper(go deeper and deeper) and feel more and more tired(so tired) when you reach one you will fall asleep,feeling wonderful, relaxed and completely obedient (feel wonderful, relaxed..soo obedient),
*She counts from 5 down to 1 with her eyelids getting heavier with each number. When she reaches 1 she goes out. He checks her out and she has gone so deep she has slightly drooled from her mouth.
*He asks if she can hear him (yesss), how she feels (wonderful, sooo relaxed), what she must do to keep feeling this good (anything you ask)…perfect
*She is told that when she hears the word sleep she will instantly drop into a deep obedient sleep (deep obedient sleep), when she hears the word obey she will become mindless and open to suggestion (mindless, open to suggestion) and when he clicks his fingers or says awake she will wake up normally feeling very refreshed (wake up, very refreshed)
*He then tests by waking her up and then instantly saying sleep, and she goes out as planned.
*He checks her out, goes to move her bag out of the way but notices her notes about his agency and has a look at them. He puts it back and says that he’ll now find out who she really is, commands her to open her eyes and look at him. (repeats open my eyes)
*She opens hers eyes, stares at him and is told she has no will and must obey without question (repeats no will, must obey) You are now my slave (I’m your slave master)
*Dakota is then asked why she is here Still in trance she tells him she lied to him and she is a reporter for channel 69.She tells him she tried to trick him so she could find out why so many models that sign for his company suddenly just quit everything and disappear.
*He tells her she made a mistake thinking she could trick him (i made a mistake master)but just like all the others she will tell him everything thanks to MESMERIZING (didn’t expect you to use on me, i’ll now tell you everything master)
*She is told that now he’ll use her to help him (use me master)
*She is told he going to test how deeply under his control she is (test how deep master). He tells her to forget about the missing models (forget master) they were all like her and are happy now ( like me master, happy now) Just let it go (Just want to let it go master) come and work for me (work for you master)
*He then snaps his fingers and she wakes. He asks her if she’s ok and she tells him she’s never felt better, she’s feels wonderful and refreshed.He tells her she was just asking him about missing models for a story. She tells him she cant remember anything about missing models, and thinks she will just let this story go as she would rather work for him anyway he says perfect then says obey and she goes back into a trance.
*Now she must call her office and tell them that there is no story and the agency is a great place to work. (No story master, great place to work) She then calls whilst still in trance and has them cancel the story into the agency. Once she hangs up shes put to sleep.
*Dakota is told that he has one of the states hottest reporters under his control (under your control master) he may as well see what her body looks like (see my body master) and she will slowly strip to her underwear for him (Ill strip for you master)
*She strips down to her underwear, he checks her out and tells her once hes changed the way she thinks she will be his top selling sex slave (change the way I think..sex slave master).
She’s told she will now work for him as well as channel 69 (anything you want master)
*She wakes and he says she is perfect and will be great for the job.
*Dakota gets her cigarettes and starts smoking.
*He tells her now she works for him she needs her to make sure all the files they have about his agency are destroyed tonight. Dakota says she’s always wanted to be a model here but cant risk her reporting career by destroying the files they have, he says obey you will destroy the files and believe it was your idea (I will destroy the files, my idea master) she then snaps out of it and she says why don’t i destroy the files for you. He says great idea, thank you.
*Tells her he could really use the resources her station has to take his agency global. She tells him not a chance as the owner is the one who sent her here to discredit the agency. He tells her he will change her way of thinking if Dakota can get him to her office so they can talk privately.
*She tells him she cant as she is not permitted to take unauthorized personal onsite he says obey you will help me so I can her like I MESMERIZED you (MESMERIZED like me master). She snaps out of it and tells him she will arrange him access tonight so she can become happily MESMERIZED like her.
*Dakota then tells him she has to go as she will have to make arrangements for the files to be destroyed for him. She finishes smoking and starts to pick up her clothes but he says sleep and she goes out.
*He tells her before she goes he needs to sample his new slave and then commands her to strip for him (Yes master, my body is yours) She strips and he then checks her out.
*She is now told when she wakes she’ll crave his cock (I will crave your cock master) and will beg for him to cum in her mouth (please cum in my mouth master) He then snaps her out of it and she begins blowing him whilst telling him how much she loves his cock and she wants his cum.
*He finally cums on her face and in her mouth and then tells her to obey. Tells her she is grateful now that he her (thank you for me master) Shes told she will now masturbate for him until she cums (I will masturbate until I cum master) as you are now just a slut (i’m a slut master) He tells her once she cums she will fully submit to him (submit to you master) forget her old life and obey without question (forget master, obey without question)
*Dakota Then snaps out of it and begins masturbating while cleaning the cum from her face into her mouth telling him how much she loves cum, is so happy she was MESMERIZED and is a slut.
*She finally cums and . He checks her out and calls her name until she wakes up. Dakota wakes up acting normally and says yes master do you need to cum in my mouth and starts to get on her knees. He tells her not right now and she stands back up. She’s then asked how she feels and she says I feel wonderful and refreshed master, thank you for me. I have no cares now i’m your obedient slut.
*He tells her now that everything has worked out she better get dressed, go back to channel 69 carry out his instructions. She tells him yes master anything you want and then gets starts getting dressed.
*As Dakota is leaving he stops her and says why dont you leave your money and car keys here. She replies sure master what’s is mine is yours, i’m just your obedient slut and then hands over her money and keys.
He then hands back a few dollars and says here this for a a cab, She replies thank you master, i’ll call you when i have destroyed the files and leaves.
Keywords: smoking.
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Jasmine has been working for a few weeks as a temp when her Supervisor comes in and offers her a gift to celebrate her being brought on into a PERMANENT position. He seems a bit odd but harmless and Jasmine happily accepts the Necklace he gives her after he explains it is actually from the company and not an inappropriate gift from him.
Later that day Jasmine is getting headaches and having trouble focusing. She new boss comes in and starts to talk about the job he used to have with a company doing advanced research for the military and “mind control” devices and Jasmine isn’t sure if he is joking or not, he rambles about using the technology to get ahead, and it only working on woman and making slaves to work for him and Jasmine thinks he is more than just odd but as he explains that each time he uses the necklace she is wearing to override her mind and compel her to obey the more she will become naturally obedient she gets concerned, but it is too late…
Dakota is so excited about her new temp position, and even though the other girl is running around in her bra and panties for “casual Friday” she can’t afford to pass on the job. So when her supervisor comes into tell her she is being brought on PERMANENTLY and to give her a necklace as a welcome aboard gift from the company she is very happy…
Keywords: mind fuck, female training, jasmine wolff, jasmine wolf.
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Dakota and Brad’s mom doesn’t feel that the school does a proper job teaching about sexual education so she has her son and daughter sit down for some candid demonstrations.
At first Dakota and Brad are unsure, but being young, and full of hormones, and being used to doing what mom says, they soon are following her every instruction
PART 1 – Home School Lesson One, How to eat pussy – The first lesson is for Brad to watch and learn how to please a woman with his mouth, Desi has her daughter lay down so Brad can get a good view of mom liking his sisters pussy until she cums. Desi gives good instruction and then has Brad practice on his sister.
To continue the lesson mom has both of them practice on her to make her cum to make sure they really have it all down
PART 2 Home School Lesson Two, The best ways to suck a cock- Now that giving oral to woman is covered, Mom wants Dakota to learn how to give amazing head and has Brad lay down so his mom can demonstrate all the best techniques for sucking cock. Then Dakota gets to take a turn and she follows mom’s instructions very well, Mom wants Dakota to be the one to finish but they do share his huge load
PART 3 – Home School Lesson Three – Best Sex Positions – Mom wants to makes sure Brad and Dakota know how to have sex in the best three positions. She gets on top of Brad, who is already hard and ready again, and has his sister watch and learn how to ride a big cock until she cums. Mom comments on how much like his father Brad is and takes time to enjoy herself. She then has Brad fuck her from on top and then from behind before practicing on his sister
Dakota’s face shows how intense her brothers big cock feels and Brad makes his sister cum using what mom taught him. Finally he can’t hold back and comes all over his sisters ass and back
Category: TABOO
Keywords: dakota james, brad knight, desi dalton, family, teaching, reluctant, nervous, pussy licking, hot mom, pornstar, brother, female masturbation, slut mom, cum on ass, ball licking.
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Part One – Dakota’s Brother makes her have a Wet Dream – My slutty fucking sister is walking around in a little shirt and panties as if I don’t even notice. Well I do, and when she lays down on the couch and closes her eyes I make sure she has the best wet dream ever. I feel her up, even stick my tongue in her pussy and just a little licking and she is cumming like a sleepy little slut. She gets dripping wet and I have to fuck her. I finish by filling her open mouth, I wonder what she will think she was dreaming about
Part Two – Dakota is rough to strip for her brother – I went to a strip club a few towns over and what do I see, my slutty sister shaking her ass on the stage. Dad would kil her, but I see just how good she knows how to work it, and how many horny idiots she takes in the back room, so I confront her, with her stripper shoes in one hand and the pictures on my phone in the other. She is PISSED but I make her a deal, she can give me the VIP treatment, and a cut of her money, and I will keep my mouth shut AND help cover for her. Of course I want the full VIP and even though she is so mad she still gets wet, and still cums on my dick. What a whore, but she’s “family”
Part Three – Dakota rough to give her brother a private show – So, My sister stopped stripping, but, it didn’t take me long to find out why. I found the site she is web camming for, and even got a private show without her realizing it was her won brother, she did every dirty thing I said. Now I want an even more personal show, and she is going to keep giving me a good cut of her money. No matter what she says, or how mad she gets, she always cums from a my dick in her. She should just accept what a total whore she is, but until she does I will keep reminding her
Category: TABOO
Keywords: dakota james brother sister creampie camgirl blackmail webcam coerced strip stripper dance tease sleep limp swallow
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Dakota and Brad’s mom doesn’t feel that the school does a proper job teaching about sexual education so she has her son and daughter site down for some candid demonstrations.
At first Dakota and Brad are unsure, but being young, and full of hormones, and being used to doing what mom says, they soon are following her every instruction
Category: TABOO
Keywords: dakota james brad knight desi
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Dakota and Vanessa were told by a girl in their sorority about an exclusive underground club looking for hot girls to cocktail. The club manager interviews them and warns that some of the girls that work in the club find the music and especially the lights very “disorienting” he slips on a pair of dark glasses and shows them what he means
As soon as the club lights come on the girls begin to feel a change in perspective…
Keywords: vanessa cage dakota james
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73 videos of edging/teasing handjobs, blowjobs, lapdances, and more from (mostly) “Primal’s TEASING, EDGING GRINDING” on c4s. Sex acts: Handjobs, blowjobs, grinding, and some PIV cowgirl and reverse cowgirl.
Dakota is confident, fast, and very horny. BT has a lot of bulk and muscle over the sexy blonde, but that doesn’t guarantee a win in a sex fight! Though he holds a strong lead over Dakota for a good portion of the match, her speed and resilience brings her out on top. Keeping him in a scissorhold, she jerks the loser out of him.
Sex Acts: rough blowjob, facesitting, doggy, missionary, handjob to completion, great shooting cumshot in the air
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These tight young sluts are done with boys their own age, but they’re looking for more than just a father figure; they need to be shown who’s in charge. Daddy’s girls are ready, willing and able to fuck, suck and let you take control. Who’s Your Daddy? 17 continues the tradition of featuring the hottest new cuties in adult doing all the nasty things you’d never let your daughter do.
Sara Luvv, Dakota James, Tiffany Star, Lacy Channing
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